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release (arabic)
Abstracts Participants
are kindly requested to submit their abstracts in English or French. Authors
will be notified regarding abstract acceptance. The abstract (1 page)
must be sent to the SMBBM (infos(at)smbbm.org) as an attached file. Abstract
must include the following sections: title, Authors names
and the address of their institutions, abstract and key
words (5 key words). Abstract. Abstract should not exceed 1 page and include objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Key Words: List separately up to 5 key words. Authors for accepted abstracts will be asked to submit a 4-5 page text to be published in the proceedings (CD version) of the joint 3rd. SMBBM International Congress of Biochemistry, IUBMB Special Meeting on plant stresses and 6th. FASBMB Congress. As in previous manifestations, proceeding CD will be ready for all participants on starting of the Congress. Deadline for Proceeding text submission: March 24, 2009. Proceeding texts (4-5 pages) must be sent to the SMBBM (infos(at)smbbm.org ) as an attached file. Papers for proceedings should include the following sections: title, Authors names and the address of their institutions, abstract and key words, text (+acknowledgements), references, each table, legends to figures. The entire text, including figure and table legends and the reference list, should be simple-spaced. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Title
should be concise, descriptive and informative. Text: When appropriate, the text should have sections for: Introduction, Material and methods, Results an discussion. Introduction: Define the reason for the study, the nature of the problem, and its relation to previous work. Material and methods: Describe materials, equipment and experimental subjects. Results: Present in logical sequence the data generated using, as appropriate, tables and figures without duplication. Discussion: Indicate the conclusions that may be drawn and place them in the context of a critical appraisal of previous work. Distinguish clearly new information from previous findings, and speculation from fact. Problems arising out of the study may be identified, and relevant hypotheses may be generated. References: Literature cited should be restricted to papers from peer-review journals, or to articles and chapters in books. Presentations at Meetings may only be cited with reference to an abstract published in a peer-review journal. List references consecutively in their alphabetical order. "Unpublished observations" and "personal communications" may not be used as references but may be inserted in parentheses in the text. Please note that all authors should be listed. The names of journals should be abbreviated according to the list of serial title word abbreviations (ISDS, Paris, l985, ISBN 2-904938-02-8). Do not include references to personal communications, unpublished data or manuscripts either 'in preparation' or 'submitted for publication'. Reference to a paper as 'in press' implies that it has been accepted for publication. Recheck references in the text against the reference list after your manuscript has been revised. Examples
of correct forms of references are as follows: Books
and monographs: Cite review articles where appropriate and restrict references to those that are strictly relevant. Tables: Each table, and every column should be provided with an explanatory heading, with units of measure clearly indicated. The heading of the table should make its general meaning understandable without reference to the text. Cite each table in the text in consecutive order. Tables and Figures should be included in the text. Abbreviations and Units: Standard abbreviations as listed in the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual may be used without definition. Use non-standard abbreviations sparingly, preceding their first use in the text with the corresponding full designation. Use units in conformity with the standard International System (SI) of units. Oral Presentations limited
number of abstracts will be chosen by a committe for oral presentation.The
scheduled time of each presentation should not exceed 12 minutes plus
3 minutes discussion. Poster Presentations Poster Sizes, maximum width; 70 cm, maximum height; 100 cm. |
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