(scope / Programme )


biotechnologies, environnement


Press release (arabic)
Press release (French)
Article release (English)
SPEAKERS CV (continued) .................. see list 1

Dr. Jeffrey LEUNG
Chargé de Recherche CNRS (CR1) Institut des Sciences du Végétal
HDR 1 avenue de la Terrasse, Gif-sur-Yvette, 91198

Lecture title: 'Exploiting stomatal guard cells to dissect drought adaptive responses'

Situation actuelle
Responsable du groupe "Signalisation par l'acide abscissique et l'adaptation des plantes à la sécheresse" depuis 2007. Membre du comité de direction à l'ISV; membre du comité scientifique à l'ISV. Encadrement de 4 post-doctorants et trois étudiants en thèse depuis 2002. Editorial Board de Plant Signaling and Behaviour.

1997 Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (Paris X1)
1988 Thèse en génétique de la Drosophile (Université Colombie Britannique, Canada)

Autres expériences professionnelles
Stagiaire post-doctoral à l'Institut Max-Planck à Cologne, Allemagne, dans l'équipe de Prof. Jeff SCHELL (1988 - 1990)
Stagiaire post-doctoral à l'Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette, dans l'équipe de Jérôme GIRAUDAT (1990 - 1991)
Chargé de Recherche (CR2) à l'Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette, dans l'équipe de Jérôme GIRAUDAT (1991 - 1994)
Chargé de Recherche (CR1) à l'Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette, dans l'équipe de Jérôme GIRAUDAT (1995 - 2002)
Responsable de l'équipe émergente "Signalisation par l'acide abscissique et l'adaptation des plantes à la sécheresse" à l'Institut des Sciences du Végétal (2002-2006)

Médaille de Bronze du CNRS 1995

Cinq publications les plus récentes
F Vlad, BE Turk, P Peynot, J Leung and S Merlot (2008). A versatile strategy to define the phosphorylation preferences of plant protein kinases and screen for putative substrates. Plant J. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03488.x
A Wasilewska, F Vlad, C Sirichandra, Y Redko, F Jammes, C Valon, N Frei dit Frey and J Leung (2008). An update in abscisic acid signaling in plants and more...Mol. Plant 1, 198-217.
S Merlot, N Leonhardt, F Fenzi, C Valon, M Costa, L Piette, A Vavasseur, B Genty, K Boivin, A Müller, J Giraudat and J. Leung (2007). Constitutive activation of a plasma membrane H+-ATPase prevents abscisic acid-mediated stomatal closure. EMBO J. 26, 3216-3226.
A Marion-Poll and J Leung (2006) Abscisic acid synthesis, metabolism and signal transduction. In Plant Hormone Signaling, Ann. Plant Rev. P. Hedden and SG Thomas eds. Blackwell Publishing. Oxford, UK, pp 1- 35.
Riera, M., Redko, Y. and Leung, J. (2006).Arabidopsis RNA-binding protein UBA2a relocalizes into nuclear speckles in response to abscisic acid. FEBS Lett. 580, 4160-4165.
Nombre total de publications dans les revues internationales: 21 [Science (2) PNAS, EMBO J. Plant Cell]; actes de congrès à comité de lecture: 5

Bourses et financements ( depuis 2003)
Génoplante II Ciblé. BiF2001038 (01/10/03 - 31/12/04)
Génoplante CDD AFF2001073 (01/07/04 -31/12/04). Rédacteur du dossier d'appel d'offre.
Génoplante II Générique GEN26 (01/01/05 - 28/08/07) Coordinateur et rédacteur du dossier d'appel d'offre
Bourse Post-doctorale du CNRS (01/11/04 - 31/10/06)
ANR Génoplante 2010 Génerique GNP05037G (01/03/06 - 30/04/08). Rédacteur du dossier d'appel d'offre
Marie-Curie Early Stage Training Network FP6. Deux bourses de thèse (01/09/06 - 31/08/09). Rédacteur du dossier d'appel d'offre

Expérience antérieure de coordination de projets (depuis 2003)
Rédacteur du dossier et coordinateur d'appel d'offre Génoplante GEN26 (deux partenaires)
Organisateur du réseau et rédacteur d'appel d'offre Marie-Curie Early Stage Training Network FP6 (un consortium de dix laboratoires Européens)
Rédacteur du dossier d'appel d'offre ANR Génoplante 2010 Générique GNP05037G (trois partenaires).
Rédacteur du dossier et coordinateur d'appel d'offre ANR Blanc édition 2008

Prof. Khaled MASMOUDI

Professor and Head of the Plant Molecular Genetics Laboratory. Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax (CBS); Route sidi Mansour km 6, B.P.'K' 3038 Sfax-Tunisia. Tel: (216) 74 440 816-ext.1092; mobile: (216)98 923 266;
Fax: (216) 74 440 818 ; Email:

Lecture title: 'molecular basis of improving drought and salinity tolerance in cereals'

Ph.D., Plant Molecular Biology, University Pierre & Marie Curie Paris 6, France.
Research field:
* Transgenic potato plants resistant to potato virus Y (PVY), 1994-1998.

* Improving salt and drought tolerance in cereals, 1998 - Present.
Oct. 2002-April 2003 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT-USA
Fulbright visiting Scientist: Functional analysis of two cation channels from Arabidopsis thaliana: AtCNGC12 and AtCNGC11/12.

Peer reviewed publications

- Masmoudi K., Stress abiotiques: vers des variétés de blé plus tolérantes à la salinité et à la sécheresse. Biologia (2004) 1 (2) : 80-84.
- Brini F., Gaxiola R., Berkowitz G., Masmoudi K. Cloning and characterization of a wheat vacuolar cation/proton antiporter and pyrophosphatase proton pump. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2005) 43: 347-354.
- Yoshioka K., Moeder W., Kang H.G., Kachroo P., Masmoudi K., Berkowitz G., Klessig D.F. The Chimeric Arabidopsis Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channel 11/12 Activates Multiple Pathogen Resistance Responses. Plant Cell (2006) 18: 747-763.
- Masmoudi K., Rebaï A., Ellouz R. AFLP and SSR fingerprinting to evaluate genetic diversity among bread wheat cultivars in Tunisia. Cereal Research Communications (2006). 34: 871-878.
- Brini F., Hanin M., Lumbreras V., Irar S., Pages M., Masmoudi K. Functional Characterization of DHN-5, a dehydrin showing a differential phosphorylation pattern in two Tunisian durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties with marked differences in salt and drought tolerance. Plant Science (2007) 172: 20-28.
- Brini F., Hanin M., Mezghanni I., Berkowitz G., Masmoudi K. Overexpression of wheat Na+/H+ antiporter TNHX1 and H+-pyrophosphatase TVP1 improve salt and drought stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Journal of Experimental Botany (2007) 58 (2): 301-308.
- BriniF., Hanin M., Lumbreras V., Amara I., Khoudi H., Hassairi A., Pagès M., Masmoudi K. Overexpression of wheat dehydrin DHN-5 enhances tolerance to salt and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Rep. (2007) 26: 2017-2026.
- Khoudi H., Nouri-Khemakhem A., Sayar R., Brini F., Masmoudi K. Methods of regeneration and genetic transformation of durum wheat genotypes adapted to North Africa and Middle East conditions. INNORPI (2007). Patent N° SN07060.
- Brini F., Amara I., Hanin M., Khoudi H., Masmoudi K. Physilogical analysis of two Tunisian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum Desf.) varieties differing in their tolerance to salinity stress. Acta Physiologia Plantarum (2008, accepted).
- Irar S., Brini F., Masmoudi K., Pagès M. Complementary methodology for proteomic analysis, 2-DE and liquid-phase chromatography (proteome PF-2D)- A wider perspective of the proteome. Journal of Separation Science (2008, submitted).

Grant support:

1997-1999: New Biotechnological tools to select tolerance to salt and drought stresses in wheat. Source: National funds.
1999-2000: Improvement of wheat tolerance to abiotic stress using genetic engineering tools. Source: ALECSO.
1999-2002: Regeneration and genetic transformation of wheat using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Source: Tunisian-Indian commission.
2002-2004: Improving salt tolerance of winter wheat in Tunisia. Source: USDA.
2003-2006: Enhancing drought and salt tolerance in cereals. Source: National funds.
2003-2005: Study of the role of dehydrin in the response of plant to drought tolerance. Source: Spain agency of cooperation.
2004-2009: Utilisation of nuclear techniques (22Na and 14C) to screen for salt and drought tolerance of transgenic tomato plants over expressing the Na+/H+ antiporter (TNHX1) and the vacuolar H+ pyrophosphatase (TVP1) isolated from wheat. Source: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria.
2006-2008: Criblage d'une banque génomique de blé pour l'isolement de séquences promotrices de gènes candidats à la tolérance aux stress salin et hydrique. Source: Comité Mixte franco-tunisien pour la Coopération Universitaire (CMCU).
2007-2009 : Overexpression of genes encoding ion transport proteins (Na+/H+ antiporter and H+-PPase) as a strategy to improve salt-and drought tolerance in wheat. Source: ICGEB-TWAS Joint Plant Biotechnology Programme.
2007-2008: Functional characterization of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ transporter (SOS1) from wheat involved in salt tolerance. Source: Spain agency of cooperation.
2007-2008: Identification and characterization of interacting proteins with LEA and their regulation by phosphorylation. Source: Spain agency of cooperation.


Distinction Order of the Cultural Merit (Sciences and Education) from Mr the President of the Republic of Tunisia in October 2005.
Fulbright scholar program, University of Connecticut, Oct 2002-Apr 2003
Fulbright Alumni Initiatives Awards Program (
European Community/ Incentive Fellowship, INRA-Versailles, 1990-1993
Italian Foreign Ministry/ Incentive Fellowship, CIHEAM-Bari, 1988-1989

Montserrat PAGES

Professor at the IBMB-CSIC Barcelona.Department Genètica Molecular, IBMB-CSIC, Jordi Girona, 18-26 . 08028-Barcelona. Spain. Phone: 34-93-4006131, Fax: 34-93-2045904; e-mail:, web

Lecture title: 'Drought Tolerance in Maize: A crop of agronomic importance'.

1972-78 PhD student. Centro de Biología Molecular.Madrid
*Research on Regulation of Chromosomal Transcription in Drosophila.
1978-81 Postdoctoral Research Associate. Institut de Biologia de Barcelona.
*Research on Chromatin: Structure and Function.
1981-85 Research Associate Instituto.Quimica Bio-Organica.(CSIC) Barcelona.
* Molecular and chromatographic studies on Neurobiology of Drosophila
1985-90 Cientifico Titular C.I.D. (CSIC) Barcelona.
*Group Leader. Plant Molecular Biology..
1990-92 Research Scientist (Investigador Cientifico).CID. (CSIC) Plant Molecular Biology
*Group Leader. Plant Molecular Biology.
1992- Professor (Profesor de Investigación CSIC). Barcelona
*Head of the Departamento de Genetica Molecular (1992-1999)
*Group Leader. Plant Molecular Biology.

Professor Montserrat Pages has more than 20 years of experience in studying the mechanisms of drought/ABA signaling pathway in plants and specifically in the functional study of rab proteins and their transcriptional regulation.
From 1992 to 2000 she was Chair of the Departamento de Genética Molecular. She has received several awards and was elected EMBO member in 2000. She has served on the committees and councils of a number of scientific organizations in Spain and abroad such as the Advisor Committee of CNEAI (Comision Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (2003-2005), CSIC Advisor Committee for Molecular and Cellular Biology (2004-2008) the Life Sciences Working Group of ESA (1998 -2001) Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) (1998-2001), EMBO world programme (2002-2004), and EMBO Long term Fellowships 2004-2008. She was President of the EUCARPIA :Maize and Sorghum (2003-2006) and is Vicepresident of the Spanish society for biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) since 2006.
Member of the Editorial Board of PLANTA (1998-2002) and Mol.Plant (2007-2010)

10 main publications on ABA and water stress molecular responses in plants:
1-Gomez J Sanchez-Martinez D. Stiefel V. Rigau J. Puigdomenech P Pagès M. A gene induced by the plant hormone abscisic acid in response to water stress encodes a glycine-rich protein. Nature 334 (1988), 262-264.
2-Goday, A., Jensen. A., Culiañez-Macià. F.A., Albà, M.M., Figueras, M., Serratosa, J., Torrent, M., Pagès, M. The maize abscisic acid responsive protein rab17 is located in the nucleus and cytoplasm and interacts with nuclear localization signals. The Plant Cell 6, 351-360. 1994.
3-Alba, M. Culiañez-Macià F.A., Goday, A. Freire, M.A. Nadal, B. and Pagès, M. (1994) The maize RNA-binding protein, MA16, is a nucleolar protein located in the dense fibrillar component. Plant J. 6 (6), 825-834
4-Busk P.K., Jensen A.B., Pagès M. (1997). Regulatory elements in vivo in the promoter of the ABA-responsive gene rab17 from maize. Plant J. 11(6), 1285-1295.
5-Busk, P.K. and Pages, M. (1997). Protein binding to the abscisic acid responsive element is independent of viviparous 1 in vivo. The Plant Cell 9 December, 2261-2270
6-Riera, M., Peracchia, G., de Nadal, E., Ariño, J., Pagès, M. (2001) Maize protein kinase CK2: Regulation and functionality of three ? regulatory subunits. Plant J. 25 (4) 365-374.
7-Lumbreras, V., Albà, M.M.,Kleinow, T., Koncz,C.,Pagès, M. (2001) Domain fusion between SNF1-related kinase subunits during plant evolution EMBO reports vol2 Nº 1 pp 55-60.
8- Kizis D, Pagès, M. (2002) Maize DRE binding proteins DBF1 and DBF2 are involved in rab17 regulation through the drought responsive element in an ABA- dependent pathway . Plant J. 30 (6) 679-689.
9-Riera ,M. Figueras, M. Lopez,C. Godoy,A. Pagès,M. (2004)Protein kinase CK2 modulates developmental functions of the abscisic acid responsive protein RAB17 from Maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci.USA, vol 101, no 26, 9879-9884.
10- Saleh A, Lumbreras V, Lopez C, Domínguez E Pagès M. (2006)The maize DIP1 (DBF-interactor protein 1) containing an R3H domain is a potential regulator of DBF1 activity in stress responses. Plant J ,46,747-757.

Prof. Erwin GRILL

Head and Chair of Botany, Department Biowissenschaften
Technischen Universität München, Am Hochanger 4, 85350 Weihenstephan, Germany.

Lecture title: 'Short and long distance signaling of plant's water status'

Scientific career
Study of Biology at Technischen Universität München
PhD., Department of Pharmacy, Universität München, 1987
Research Associate at MSU-DOE, Michigan, USA
Group leader, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich
Habilitation, 1995
Full professor, Technischen Universität München, 1996-

Honors and Awards
Young Investigator Award of Biology, Academy of Sciences, Göttingen
Young Investigator Award, European Society of Biochemistry
Investigator Award of Academy of Sciences, Munich, Bavaria

Selected Papers

Meinhard, M., Rodriguez, P., Grill, E. (2002) The sensitivity of ABI2 to hydrogen peroxide links the ABA response regulator to redox signalling. Planta 214, 775-782
Himmelbach, A, Hoffmann, T, Leube, M, Höhener, B, Grill, E. (2002) Homeodomain protein ATHB6 is a target of the protein phosphatase ABI1 and regulates hormone responses in Arabidopsis. EMBO J. 21, 3029-3038
Beck, A., Lendzian, K., Oven, M., Christmann, A., Grill, E. (2003) Phytochelatin synthase catalyzes key step in turnover of glutathione conjugates. Phytochem. 62, 423-431
Wu, Y., Sanchez, J.P., Lopez-Molina, L., Himmelbach, A., Grill, E., Chua, N.H. (2003) The abi1-1 mutation blocks ABA signaling downstream of cADPR action. Plant J. 34, 307-315
Himmelbach, A., Yang, Y., Grill, E. (2003) Relay and control of abscisic acid signaling. Curr Opin. Plant Biol. 6, 470-479
Christmann, A., Hoffmann, T., Teplova, I., Grill, E., Müller, A. (2005) Generation of active pools of abscisic acid revealed by in vivo imaging of water-stressed Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 137, 209-219
Young, J.J., Mehta, S., Israelsson, M., Godoski, J., Grill, E., Schroeder, J.I. (2006) Carbon dioxide signaling in guard cells via calcium response modulation and CO2 insensitivity of gca2 mutant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 7506-7511.
Yang, Y., Sulpice, R., Himmelbach, A., Meinhard, M., Christmann, A., Grill, E. (2006) Fibrillin expression is regulated by abscisic acid response regulators and is involved in abscisic acid-mediated photoprotection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 6061-6066
Blum, R., Beck, A., Korte, A., Stengel, A., Letzel, T., Lendzian, K., Grill, E. (2006) Function of phytochelatin synthase in catabolism of glutathione-conjugates. Plant J., 49, 740-749
Wünschmann, J., Beck, A., Meyer, L., Letzel, T., Grill, E. Lendzian, KJ. (2007) Phytochelatins are synthesized by two vacuolar serine carboxypeptidases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS Lett. 581, 1681-1687
Christmann, A., Weiler, E. W., Steudle, E. and Grill, E. (2007) A hydraulic signal in root-to-shoot signalling of water shortage. Plant J. 52, 167-174
Christmann, A., and Grill, E. (2007) A plant receptor with a big family. Science, 315, 1676-1677
Moes D, Himmelbach A, Korte A, Haberer G and Grill E (2008) Nuclear localisation of the mutant protein phosphatase abi1 is required for insensitivity towards ABA responses in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 54, 806-819.


Agricultural Research Council of Italy
Cereal Research Centre, S.S. 16, km 675 I-71100 Foggia, Italy
and Genomic Research Centre
via S. Protaso, 302, I -29017 Fiorenzuola d'Arda PC, Italy

Lecture title: 'Molecular response to drought stress in cereals'

Luigi Cattivelli has a degree in Agricultural Science at the Catholic University of Piacenza (1986). Between 1987-1989 he was working at the Max Plank Institute of Cologne (Germany), in permanent position since 1991 at the CRA - Experimental Institute for Cereal Research Section of Fiorenzuola d'Arda (Italy). Director of the Section of Foggia of the same Institute from 2005 to 2007, he is presently director of the Cereal Research Centre of Foggia.
From 1997 to 2003 Luigi Cattivelli has been professor of Plant Genetics at University of Verona, Faculty of Biotechnology. He is member of the European Society of plant Breeding EUCARPIA, of the Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA), of the Italian Society of Agronomy (SIA) and member of the Italian co-ordination committee of the ERA-Plant Genomic Network.
Luigi Cattivelli is referee of international journals and research projects and member of the editorial board of Plant Science.
Luigi Cattivelli received the "A. Gemelli" prize from the Catholic University of Piacenza (1986) and the "Luigi Perdisa" prize from the University of Bologna (1995).
The research activity of Luigi Cattivelli was focussed on genetics and molecular biology of cereals. A molecular and genetics approach from gene cloning to QTL analysis was used to investigate the molecular mechanisms of resistance to cold and drought in wheat and barley. His group has isolated many stress related genes and found transcription factors as candidates for frost/drought resistance QTL in wheat. Transcriptomics and functional genomics approaches are currently used to investigate the functions of key genes in cold/drought resistance. During the last years he was interested in the trasncriptomic analysis of barley chloroplast mutants and on the relation between chloroplast and changes in environmental conditions (light and temperature). Luigi Cattivelli is also responsible of breeding programmes in barley, durum wheat and oat dedicated to the improvement of yield, quality and stress resistance.
Luigi Cattivelli is presently responsible of several research activities in national genomic projects and he is the coordinator of AGROGEN a large genomic project funded by MIUR dedicated to durum wheat.

Publications 2004 2007

1. Francia E, Rizza F, Cattivelli L, Stanca A M, Galiba G, Tóth B, Hayes P M, Skinner J S, Pecchioni N, 2004. Two loci on chromosome 5H determine low temperature tolerance in the new 'winter' x 'spring' ('Nure' x 'Tremois') barley map. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 108: 670-680.
2. Caffarri S, Croce R, Cattivelli L, Bassi R, 2004. A look within LHCII: differential analysis of the Lhcb 1-3 complexes building the major trimeric antenna complex of higher plant photosynthesis. Biochemistry, 43: 9467-9476.
3. Atienza S G, Faccioli P, Perrotta G, Dalfino G, Zschiesche W, Humbeck K, Stanca A M, Cattivelli L, 2004. Large scale analysis of transcripts abundance in barley subjected to several single and combined abiotic stress conditions. Plant Science, 167: 1359-1365.
4. Marè C, Mazzucotelli E, Crosatti C, Francia E, Stanca A M, Cattivelli L, 2004. Hv-WRKY38: a new transcription factor involved in cold- and drought-response in barley. Plant Molecular Biology, 55: 399-416.
5. Rizza F, Badeck F W, Cattivelli L, Lidestri O, Di Fonzo N, Stanca A M, 2004. Use of a water stress index to identify barley genotypes adapted to rainfed and irrigated conditions. Crop Science, 44: 2127-2137.
6. Mastrangelo A M, Belloni S, Barilli S, Ruperti B, Di Fonzo N, Stanca A M, Cattivelli L, 2005. Low temperature promotes intron retention in two e-cor genes of durum wheat. Planta, 221: 705-715.
7. Vágújfalvi A, Aprile A, Miller A, Dubcovsky J, Delogu G, Galiba G, Cattivelli L, 2005. The expression of several Cbf genes at the Fr-A2 locus is linked to frost resistance in wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 274: 506-514.
8. Svensson J T, Crosatti C, Campoli C, Bassi R, Stanca AM, Close T J, Cattivelli L, 2006. Transcriptome analysis of cold acclimation in barley albina and xantha mutants. Plant Physiology, 141: 257-270.
9. De Vita P, Riefolo C, Codianni P, Cattivelli L, Fares C, 2006. Agronomical and qualitative traits evaluation of T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum Schubler genotypes cultivated in Italy. Euphytica, 150: 195-205.
10. Mazzucotelli E, Tartari A, Cattivelli L, Forlani G, 2006. Metabolism of -aminobutyric acid during cold acclimation and freezing and its relationship to frost tolerance in barley and wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57: 3755-3766.
11. Mazzucotelli E, Belloni S, Marone D, De Leonardis A M, Guerra D, Di Fonzo N, Cattivelli L, Mastrangelo A M, 2006. The E3 ubiquitin ligase gene family in plants: regulation by degradation. Current Genomics, 7: 509-522.
12. De Vita P, Li Destri Nicosia O, Nigro F, Platani C, Riefolo C, Di Fonzo N, Cattivelli L, 2007. Breeding progress in morpho-physiological, agronomical and qualitative traits of durum wheat cultivars released in Italy during the 20th century. European Journal of Agronomy, 26: 39-53.
13. De Leonardis A M, Marone D, Mazzucotelli E, Neffar F, Rizza F, Di Fonzo N, Cattivelli L, Mastrangelo A M. 2007. Durum wheat genes up-regulated in the early phases of cold stress are modulated by drought in a developmental and genotype depended manner. Plant Science, 72, 1005-1016.
14. Crosatti C, Pagani D, Cattivelli L, Stanca A M, Rizza F, 2007. Effects of the growth stage and hardening conditions on the association between frost resistance and the expression of the cold induced protein COR14b in barley. Environmental and Experimental Botany, in press.
15. Atienza S G, Martín A, Pecchioni, N, Platani C, Cattivelli L, 2007. The nuclear-cytoplasm interaction controls carotenoid content in wheat. Euphytica, in press.
16. Cattivelli L, Rizza F, Badeck F, Mazzucotelli E, Mastrangelo A M, Francia E, Marè C, Tondelli A, Stanca A M, 2007. Drought tolerance improvement in crop plants: an integrated view from breeding to genomics. Field Crop Research, in press.
17. Frigerio S, Campoli C, Zorzan S, Fantoni L, Crosatti C, Drepper F, Haehnel W, Cattivelli L, Morosinotto T Bassi R, 2007. Photosynthetic antenna size in higher plants is controlled by plastoquinone redox state at post-transcriptional rather than transcriptional level. Journal of Biological Chemistry, in press.

Prof. Abdelaziz BENJOUAD

University MohammedV-Agdal, Faculty of Sciences - Rabat - Morocco
Address: Department of Biology, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Immunology
Faculty of Sciences, 10 000 Rabat, Morocco. Phone +212 37 77 80 12, e-mail:;, web :

Lecture title: 'HIV/AIDS : Progress and Challenges'

- Full Professor of Higher Education (University Mohammed V-Agdal, Faculty of Sciences , Rabat - Morocco
- Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Immunology
- Coordinator of the Pôle de Compétences " Pharmacochimie " at the faculty of Sciences
- Responsible of Doctorate and DESS formations
- Responsible of Interface/Research Valuation (Faculty of Sciences)
- State Doctorate es Sciences (1994), Doctorate (1986)
- Professor doctor Habilited - University Mohammed V-Agdal (1994-1998).
- Post-doctoral Researcher at the University Paris VI and Hospital of la Pitié-Salpêtrière and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (1991-1994).
- Assistant-professor, University Mohammed V 1987-1994.
Professor Abdelaziz BENJOUAD has more than 18 years of experience in virology and immunology and more recently in cancer. During this period, he has received several grants to conduct researches on HIV/AIDS (between Morocco and France). He has initiate a start up in Immunotechnology (at the University Incubator), he was coordinator of the council's scientific commission of the the Faculty of Sciences (2003-2005). He is Reviewer for national and international scientific journals, expert (CRST) and evaluator of research projects (national and cooperation). He was Secretary General of SMBBM (Société Marocaine de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire) (2002-2004) and Vice president the SMBBM (2004-2007). He is vice Secretary of GEMDIP and member of National council administration of SMI (Moroccan Society of Immunology) and he is vice president of Moroccan association of fight against the tobacco and the cancer

Selected publications related to conference

- Benjouad A., Gluckman JC., Rochat H, Montagnier L, Bahraoui E. Influence of carbohydrate moieties on the immunogenicity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 recombinant gp160. J.Virol. 1992: 66, 2473-2483.
- BenjouadA., Gluckman JC., Montagnier L., Bahraoui E. Specificity of antibodies produced against native or desialylated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 recombinant gp160. J. Virol. 1993: 67, 1693-1697.
- Benjouad A., Fenouillet E., Gluckman JC, Sabatier JM. Multi-branched peptide constructs (MBPC) of the V3 loop of envelope glycoprotein gp120 inhibit human immunodeficiency virus-induced syncytium formation. Antiviral Chemistry & chemotherapy 1994: 5, 195-196.
- Benjouad A., Chapuis F., Fenouillet E., Gluckman JC. Multi-branched peptide constructs derived from the V3 loop of envelope glycoprotein gp120 inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection through interaction with CD4. Virology 1995: 206, 457-464.
- Elharti E, Elaouad R, Amzazi S, Himmich H, Elhachimi Z, Apetrei C, Gluckman JC, Simon F, and Benjouad A. HIV type 1 diversity in Morocco. AIDS 1997: 11, 1781-1783.
- Amzazi S, Ylisastigui L, Bakri Y, Rabehi L, Gattegno L, Parmentier M, Gluckman JC, and Benjouad A. The Inhibitory Effect of RANTES on the Infection of Primary Macrophages by HIV-1 Depends on the Macrophage Activation State. Virology 1998: 252, 96-105.
- Ylisastigui L, Amzazi S, Bakri Y Vizzavona J, Vita C, Gluckman JC, and Benjouad A. Effect of RANTES on the infection of monocyte-derived primary macrophages by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy 1998: 52, 447-53
- Ylisastigui L, Vizzavona J, Drakopoulou E, Paindavoine P, Calvo C-F, Parmentier M, Gluckman JC, Vita C, and Benjouad A. Synthetic full-length and truncated RANTES inhibit HIV-1 infection of primary macrophages. AIDS 1998, 12: 977-984.
- Elharti E, Elaouad R, Simons MJ, Messouak-Elhachimi Z, Gluckman JC, Parmentier M, Benjouad A. Frequency of the CCR5delta32 allele in the Moroccan population. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2000: 16: 87-9
- Ylisastigui Y, Bakri Y, Amzazi S, Gluckman JC, Benjouad A. Soluble glycosaminoglycans do not potentiate RANTES antiviral activity on the infection of primary macrophages by human immunodeficiency virus type-1. Virology 2000, 278: 412-422.
- Vita C, Drakopoulou E, Ylisastigui L, Bakri Y, Vizzavona J, Martin L, Parmentier M, Gluckman JC, Benjouad A. Synthesis and characterization of biologically functional biotonylated RANTES. J. Immunol Methods 2002, 266: 53-65.
- Bakri Y, Mannioui A, Ylisastigui L, Sanchez F, Gluckman JC, Benjouad A. CD40-activated macrophages become highly susceptible to X4 strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2002, 18 : 103-113.
- Amzazi S, Ghoulami S, Bakri Y, Il Idrissi A, Fkih-Tétouani S, Benjouad A. Human immunodéficiency virus type 1 inhibitory activity of mentha longifolia. Thérapie 2003, 58: 531-534.
- Alla A, Waku-Kouomou D, Benjouad A, Elaouad R, Wild TF. Rapid diversification of measles virus genotypes circulating in Morocco during 2004-2005 epidemics. J Med Virol. 2006, 78:1465-72
- Sbai A, Bennani A, Benjouad A, Hassar M. HBV genotypes in Morocco. J Clin Virol. 2007; 38:184-5
- Baassi L, El Fenniri L, Bourkkadi J, Benjalloun C, Cherkaoui I, El Iraki G, Benkouka F, Benjouad A, El Aouad R. [Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: evaluation of the TB IgA EIA assay in Morocco] East Mediterr Health J. 2007, 13:72-8.
- Caidi H, Abernathy ES, Benjouad A, Smit S, Bwogi J, Nanyunja M, El Aouad R, Icenogle J. Phylogenetic analysis of rubella viruses found in Morocco, Uganda, Cote d'Ivoire and South Africa from 2001 to 2007. J Clin Virol. 2008, 42:86-90
- SABATIER JM; BENJOUAD A et al. Multiple Branch peptide constructions for use against HIV.: EP 0 719 281 B1, US5622933, WO9507929
- VITA C; VIZZAVONA J; GLUCKMAN JC, BENJOUAD A Synthesis of labeled chemokine, useful for developping anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents uses conventional peptide synthesis with label attached to sidechain at predetermined position": FR2783528

Dr. Laura De Lorenzo

Institut des Sciences du Végétal - CNRS 1 Avenue de la terrasse, 91190 Gif sur Yvette, France.
TEL : 33 1 69823703 / FAX 33 1 69823695 /

Lecture title: ' How the environment affects legume root architecture'


Education and Professional Experience
2009. Post-doctoral Researcher at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CNB - CSIC), Madrid (Spain).
2008-2009. Post-doctoral Researcher at the Institut des Sciences du Végétal - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ISV - CNRS), Gif-sur-Yvette (France).
2005-2008. PhD Student. University of Seville, Seville (Spain) and Institut des Sciences du Végétal - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ISV - CNRS), Gif-sur-Yvette (France).
2003-2004. Master Thesis. University of Seville, Seville (Spain).
1998-2002. Pharmacy Graduate. University of Seville, Seville (Spain).

Teaching Experience
2006. Participation as teaching staff in the 1st Microbial Biotechnology applicable to Industry University Master imparted in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology. Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Seville, Seville (Spain).
2003-2007. Participation as teaching staff in educational organisation plan of the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology. Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Seville, Seville (Spain).

Publications in Refereed Journals
- Laura de Lorenzo, Francisco Merchan, Philippe Lapporte, Richard Thompson, Jonathan Clarke, Carolina Sousa and Martín Crespi. A novel plant LRR receptor kinase regulates the response of Medicago truncatula roots to salt stress. The Plant Cell (in press).

- Laura de Lorenzo, Francisco Merchan, Florian Frugier, Manuel Megías, Martín Crespi and Carolina Sousa. (2007). Differential expression of the TFIIIA regulatory pathway in response to salt stress between Medicago truncatula genotypes. Plant Physiology 145, 1-13.

- Francisco Merchan, Laura de Lorenzo, Silvina González-Rizzo, Andreas Niebel, Hamid Manyani, Florian Frugier, Carolina Sousa and Martín Crespi. (2007). Identification of regulatory pathways involved in the reacquisition of root growth after salt stress in Medicago truncatula. The Plant Journal 51, 1-17.

Prof. Olivier SIRE

Professeur à l'Université de Bretagne-Sud, Responsable de l'équipe " Biomolécules-Bioprocédés " (LIMAT B) Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Matériaux de Bretagne (LIMATB, EA 4250) dirigé par Yves Grohens, Université de Bretagne-Sud, CER " Yves Coppens " Campus de Tohannic; BP 573 56017 Vannes Cedex. Télé: 02 97 01 71 48, Télécopie: 02 97 01 70 71. E-mail:

Lecture title: 'Les polysaccharides bactériens: de l'auto-assemblage aux propriétés fonctionnelles'


1- A. Bouter, V. Le Tilly and O. Sire. "Interplay of flexibility and stability in the control of estrogen receptor activity."Biochemistry (2005) 44, 790-798.
2- J. Keirsse, V. Dupont, E. Lahaye, A. Bouter, C. Boussard-Pledel, B. Bureau, J.-L. Adam, V. Monbet and O. Sire. "Mapping bacterial surface population physiology in real-time: Infrared spectroscopy of Proteus mirabilis swarm colonies". Appl..Spectrosc.. (2006) 60, 584-591.
3- C. Baley, F. Busnel, Y. Grohens, O. Sire
"Influence of chemical treatments on surface properties and adhesion of flax fibre-polyester resin"
Composites Part A (2006) 27, 1626-1637.
4- P. Davies, C. Baley, O. Sire, C. Morvan. "Structure and Properties of Fibres from Eel-grass (Zostera marina)". J. Mater. Sci. (2007) 42: 4850-4857.
5- D. Hadjiev, D. Dimitrov, M. Martinov, O. Sire. "Enhancement of the biofilm formation on polymeric supports by surface conditioning". Enz. Microb. Technol. (2007) 40, 840-848
6-. E. Lahaye, T. Aubry, N. Kervarec, P. Douzenel, O. Sire. Does water activity rule P. mirabilis periodic swarming? I. Biochemical and functional properties of the extracellular matrix. Biomacromolecules (2007) 8, 1218-1227.
7-. E. Lahaye, T. Aubry, V. Fleury, O. Sire. Does water activity rule P. mirabilis periodic swarming? II. Viscoelasticity and water balance during swarming. Biomacromolecules (2007) 8, 1228-1235.
8-. A. Alinsafi, N. Adouani, F. Béline, T. Lendormi, L. Limousy, O. Sire. Nitrite effect on nitrous oxide emission from denitrifying activated sludge. Process Biochemistry (2008) 43 683-689.
9-. E. Frenod, O. Sire. "An explanatory model to validate the way water activity rules periodic terrace generation in Proteus mirabilis swarm". J. Math. Biol. (accepté avec corrections)
10. V. Monbet, L. Anne, B. Bureau, C. Boussard-Plédel, O. Loréal, J.L. Adam, O. Sire. Polychotomous identification of food borne pathogens from spectral data. Comparison of logistic PLS and support vector machines. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (soumis).

Congress Participations
1) D. Dimitrov, A. Elain, M. Le Fellic, O. Sire, D. Hadjiev "Monitoring in situ the dynamics of biofilm in an aerobic fibrous-bed bioreactor : a microspectroscopic approach " CHIZA 2004, Prague
2) E. Lahaye, O. Sire "Rôle structurant des exopolysaccharides dans un biofilm bactérien". 2ème Rencontre de Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest, Roscoff, juin 2005
3) N. Boutaleb, F. Hamadi, B. Mellouki, O. Sire, H. Latrache "La formation de biofilms sur les surfaces de canalisations d'eau potable". Int. Congress of Biochemistry, Agadir, 9-12 mai 2006.
4) O. Sire, M.-L. Anne, E. Lahaye, B. Bureau, C. Boussard-Pledel, J.-L. Adam, O. Loréal, P. Brissot, C. Le Lan and V. Monbet " Infrared FEWS and Microspectroscopy Applied to Early Diagnosis, Food Safety and Biofilm monitoring " SPEC 2006, Optical Diagnosis for the new millenium, Heidelberg, 20-24 mai 2006.
5) A. Elain, P. Vincent, D. Hadjiev, O. Sire " Mise au point d'un réacteur à biofilm : Adhésion et réponse au stress. 12° Colloque National de la Recherche en IUT. Brest, 1-2 juin 2006.
6) N. Boutaleb, H. Latrache, O. Sire " Bioadhésion bactérienne dans les réseaux d'eau potable : Effets des matériaux et des facteurs environnementaux " 86° Colloque de l'ASTEE, Barcelone, 4-7 juin 2007.
7) M. Kahn, E. Lahaye, F. Gauffre, J. Rubio, O. Sire, C. Mingotaud, B. Chaudret " Evaluation of the toxicity of nanomaterials using a multicellular biological model ". Nanotoxicity Conference, Paris, 27-28 juin 2007.
8) E. Lahaye, O. Sire "Activité de l'eau comme facteur de contrôle du swarming de P. mirabilis". 3ème Rencontre de Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest, Batz-sur-Mer, 27-29 juin 2007

Prof. Paule VASSEUR

Professeur de Toxicologie. Laboratoire Interactions, Ecotoxicologie, Biodiversité, Ecosystèmes (LIEBE) CNRS UMR 7146. UFR Sci F. A. Université Paul Verlaine. Metz, France

Lecture title: 'Approches biochimiques et moléculaire dans l'évaluation et la gestion environnementale'

BIGOT A., DOYEN P., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2008. Metallothionein coding sequence identification and seasonal mRNA expression of detoxification genes in the bivalve Corbicula fluminea. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, available online 11 June 2008: .

CHATY S., RODIUS F., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2008. Induction of CYP1A1 in rat liver after ingestion of mussels contaminated by Erika fuel oils. Archives of Toxicology, 82 (2): 75-80. [doi]

COFFINET S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BASSÈRES A., GONNET J.-F., VASSEUR P., 2008. Response of the bivalve Unio tumidus and freshwater communities in artificial streams for hazard assessment of methyl methacrylate. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27 (6): 1371-1382. [doi]

DOYEN P., BIGOT A., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2008. Molecular cloning and expression study of pi-class glutathione S-transferase (pi-GST) and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (Se-GPx) transcripts in the freshwater bivalve Dreissena polymorpha. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, 147 (1): 69-77. [doi]

COFFINET S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., RODIUS F., VASSEUR P., 2007. Glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus: impact of storage conditions and seasons on activity and identification of partial coding sequence of the catalytic subunit. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, accepted: .

EOM I.-C., RAST C., VEBER A.-M., VASSEUR P., 2007. Ecotoxicity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 67 (2): 190-205. [doi]

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., LANDKOCZ Y., VASSEUR P., 2007. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid: Effects on Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation, c-Myc expression, DNA damage and apoptosis. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 631 (2): 124-136. [doi]

COFFINET S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BASSÈRES A., GONNET J.-F., VASSEUR P., 2006. Artificial streams in the assessment of environmental hazard of chemicals. Environmental Toxicology, 21 (5): 450-456. [doi]

DOYEN P., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2006. Identification, sequencing and expression of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase transcript in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus exposed to Aroclor 1254. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Toxicology & Pharmacology, 144 (2): 122-129. [doi]

PACHURA-BOUCHET S., BLAISE C., VASSEUR P., 2006. Toxicity of nonylphenol on the cnidarian Hydra attenuata and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology, 21 (4 Special Issue SI): 388-394. [doi]

VASSEUR P., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., 2006. Linking molecular interactions to consequent effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) upon populations. Chemosphere, 62 (7): 1033-1042. [doi]

DI MARZIO W.D., SAENZ M.E., LEMIÈRE S., VASSEUR P., 2005. Improved single-cell gel electrophoresis assay for detecting DNA damage in Eisenia foetida. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 46 (4): 246-252. [doi]

DOYEN P., VASSEUR P., RODIUS F., 2005. cDNA cloning and expression pattern of pi-class glutathione S-transferase in the freshwater bivalves Unio tumidus and Corbicula fluminea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Toxicology & Pharmacology, 140 (3-4): 300-308. [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2005. DNA damage measured by the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay in mammals fed with mussels contaminated by the 'Erika' oil-spill. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 581 (1-2): 11-21.

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., CHARISSOU A.-M., VASSEUR P., 2005. DNA damage (comet assay) and 8-oxodGuo (HPLC-EC) in relation to oxidative stress in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. Biomarkers, 10 (1): 41-57.

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., PAGNOUT C., VASSEUR P., 2005. Changes in expression of bcl-2 and bax in Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) exposed to ZnCl2. Archives of Toxicology, 79 (2): 90-101.

MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., VASSEUR P., 2005. Di-(ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) increases Bcl-2/Bax ratio and modifies c-myc expression in Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells. Toxicology Letters, 158 (3): 237-245.

MULTIGNER L., CATALA M., CORDIER S., DELAFORGE M., FENAUX P., GARNIER R., RICO-LATTES I., VASSEUR P., 2005. The INSERM expert review on glycol ethers: findings and recommendations. Toxicology Letters, 156 (1): 29-37.

PACHURA S., CAMBON J.P., BLAISE C., VASSEUR P., 2005. 4-Nonylphenol induced toxicity and apoptosis in Hydra attenuata. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24 (12): 3085-3091. [doi]

VASSEUR P., TOUTAIN P.L., CRAVÉDI J.-P., 2005. Les contaminants organiques déterminants environnementaux de la santé des populations. Toxicologie, Santé, Environnement, pp. 1-18. In: Santé-environnement et Santé-travail. Nouvelles perspectives de recherches : actes du séminaire de prospective scientifique et de lancement du programme de recherche du Plan national santé environnement et du Plan santé travail. Paris, Ministère délégué à la recherche..

CHARISSOU A.-M., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., VASSEUR P., 2004. Relationship between two oxidative stress biomarkers, malondialdehyde and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine, in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. Science of the Total Environment, 322 (1-3): 109-122. [doi]

CHATY S., RODIUS F., VASSEUR P., 2004. A comparative study of the expression of CYP1A and CYP4 genes in aquatic invertebrate (freshwater mussel, Unio tumidus) and vertebrate (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 69 (1): 81-93. [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2004. Genotoxicity related to transfer of oil spill pollutants from mussels to mammals via food. Environmental Toxicology, 19 (4): 387-395. [doi]

LEMIÈRE S., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., CHATY S., RODIUS F., BISPO A., JOURDAIN M.-J., LANHERS M.-C., BURNEL D., VASSEUR P., 2004. Genotoxic and CYP 1A enzyme effects consecutive to the food transfer of oil spill contaminants from mussels to mammals. Aquatic Living Resources, 17: 303-307. [doi]

RODIUS F., HAMMER C., VASSEUR P., 2004. Use of RNA-arbitrarily-primed PCR to detect the induction of gene expression in freshwater bivalves (Unio tumidus) transplanted into the Moselle River. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 43 (4): 209-216. [doi]

VASSEUR P., ALEXANDRE S., BESSI H., MAIRE M.-A., RAST C., ELIAS Z.E., LASNE C., 2004. The SHE cell transformation assay as predictor of carcinogenicity: performances and comparison with Balb 3T3 and C3H 10T1/2. Mutagenesis, 19 (6): 507-508.

VASSEUR P., LEGUILLE C., 2004. Defense systems of benthic invertebrates in response to environmental stressors. Environmental Toxicology, 19 (4): 433-436.

ALEXANDRE S., RAST C., MAIRE M.-A., ORFILA L., VASSEUR P., 2003. ZnCl2 induces Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation. Toxicology Letters, 142 (1-2): 77-87.

GRAFF L., ISNARD P., CELLIER P., BASTIDE J., CAMBON J.P., NARBONNE J.-F., BUDZINSKI H., VASSEUR P., 2003. Toxicity of chemicals to microalgae in river and in standard waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22 (6): 1368-1379.

VASSEUR P., COSSU-LEGUILLE C., 2003. Biomarkers and community indices as complementary tools for environmental safety. Environment International, 28 (8): 711-717.

Prof. Ernst HEINEN

Professor, Head of the laboratory of Human Histology-CRPP, Institute of Pharmacy-CHU, Bât. B36 (Tour 4 +4), Avenue de l'Hôpital 1, 4000 LIEGE, Belgium. Tél.: 0032 4 366 51 70, Fax: 0032 4 366 43 21, E-Mail:,
Site web:

Lecture title: 'Discrimination between self and non-self: a challenge for the immune system'

Conference title:" Discrimination between self and non-self: a challenge for the immune system"


Since 2003 Professor of Histology and Immunology at the Medical Faculty; Director of the Department of Human Histology - Centre of Research on Prion Protein "CRPP". University of Liège, Belgium.


1977 doctor in Sciences, University of Liège,
1987 Special doctor in Sciences, University of Liège,
1980 Certificate in biophysics, University of Liège,

1997 Professor,
2003 Ordinary professor at the University of Liège, Belgium



Velinova, C.Thielen, F.Melot, J.Donga, S. Eicher, E.Heinen, N.Antoine. New histochemical and ultrastructural observations on normal bovine tonsils. The Veterinary Record, 17, 613-617, 2001.

Thielen C., N. Antoine, F. Mélot, J-Y. Cesbron, E. Heinen and R. Tsunoda. Human FDC express PrPc in vivo and in vitro. Developmental Immunology 2001, 8(3-4), 259-266, 2002.

Ehirchiou D., Zorzi W., Biemans R., Vanderbeeke A., Haumont M., Coumans B., Collin S., Bollen A., Antoine N. and Heinen E.- J. Europ Morph. 46, 215-222, 2002 MS.

Jolois O., O.Peulen, S.Collin,M.Simons, G. Dandrifosse and E.Heinen.Spermine induces precocious devlopment of the spleen in mice. Exp. Physiol. 87, 69-75, 2002

Verlaet M. , Adamantidis A., Coumans B., Chanas G., Zorzi W., Heinen E., Grisar T. and Lakaye B. Human immune cells express ppMCH mRNA and functional MCHR1 receptor. FEBS Lett. 527, 205-210, 2002

Jolois, O., Peulen O., Collin S., Dandrifosse G., Heinen E. (2002) " Spermine induces maturation of the small intestine and the spleen in mice " ; Experimental Physiology, 87; 69-75

Thellin O. and Heinen E., Pregancy and the immune system: between tolerance and rejection. Toxicology 185, 179-184, 2003

Mélot F., Thielen C., Thouraya L, Eicher S., Jolois O., Heinen E. and Antoine N., Do bovine lymphocytes express peculiar prion protein? Devel. Immunol. In press

Mélot F., Defaweux V., Jolois O., Collard A., Robert B., Heinen E., and Antoine N. FDC-B1 : a new monoclonal antibody directed against bovine dendritic cells. Vet. Immunol. Immunopath. 97, 1-9 (2004)

Gofflot S, El Moualij B, Zorzi D, Meulen L, Roels S, Grassi J, Vanopdenbosch E, Heinen E and Zorzi W. Immuno-quantitative polymerase chain reaction and ELISA for detecting prion proteins : a comparative study. Journal of Immunoassay and immunochemistry 25, 241-258, 2004

Huber C., Thielen C., Seeger H., Schwarz P., Montrasio F., Wilson M.R., Heinen E., Fu Y-X., Miele G. and Aguzzi A. (2005) Lymphotoxinß receptor-dependant genes in lymph node and follicular dendritic cell transcriptomes J. Immunol. 174 : 5526-5536.

Gofflot S., Deprez M., El Moualij B., Thonnart J.F., Hougrand O., Heinen E. & Zorzi W. (2005) Immuno-quantitative PCR for prion protein detection in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease. Clin. Chem. 51, 1905-1611.

Defaweux V., Dorban G., Piret J., Jolois O., Thellin O., Thielen C., Heinen E. and Antoine N. Interfaces between dendritic cells, other immune cells, and nerve fibres in mouse Peyer's patches: potential sites for neuroinvasion in prion diseases. Microsc. Res. Tech; 66, 1-9.

Rajkovic A., ElMoualij B., Uyttendaele M., Brolet P., Zorzi W., Heinen E., Foubert E., and Debevere J. (2006) Immunoquantitative real-time PCR for detection and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B in foods. Appl. Env. Microbiol., 72, 6593-6599

Dupiereux I, Zorzi W, Danièle Zorzi, Rachidi Walid, Bernard Lheureux, Heinen E, Elmoualij B. Study on the toxic mechanism of prion protein peptide 106-126 in neuronal and non neuronal cells J Neurosci Res. 2006 Aug 15;84(3):637-46

Dupiereux I, Falisse-Poirrier N, Zorzi W, Watt NT, Thellin O, Zorzi D, Pierard O, Hooper NM, Heinen E, Elmoualij B. Protective effect of prion protein via the N-terminal region in mediating a protective effect on paraquat-induced oxidative injury in neuronal cells.J Neurosci Res. 2008 Feb 15;86(3):653-9. 3:

Dorban G, Defaweux V, Demonceau C, Flandroy S, Van Lerberghe PB, Falisse-Poirrier N, Piret J, Heinen E, Antoine N.Interaction between dendritic cells and nerve fibres in lymphoid organs after oral scrapie exposure.Virchows Arch. 2007 Dec;451(6):1057-65. Epub 2007 Sep 5.

Dorban G, Defaweux V, Levavasseur E, Demonceau C, Thellin O, Flandroy S, Piret J, Falisse N, Heinen E, Antoine N. Oral scrapie infection modifies the homeostasis of Peyer's patches' dendritic cells. Histochem Cell Biol. 2007 Sep;128(3):243-51. Epub 2007 Jul 11

Ruelle V, Falisse-Poirrier N, Elmoualij B, Zorzi D, Pierard O, Heinen E, De Pauw E, Zorzi W.An immuno-PF2D-MS/MS proteomic approach for bacterial antigenic characterization: to Bacillus and beyond. J Proteome Res. 2007 Jun;6(6):2168-75. Epub 2007 May 9

Kranich J, Krautler NJ, Heinen E, Polymenidou M, Bridel C, Schildknecht A, Huber C, Kosco-Vilbois MH, Zinkernagel R, Miele G, Aguzzi A. Follicular dendritic cells control engulfment of apoptotic bodies by secreting Mfge8.J Exp Med. 2008 Jun 9;205(6):1293-302. Epub 2008 May 19.

Demonceau C, Marshall AS, Sales J, Heinen E. Investigation of close interactions between sympathetic neural fibres and the follicular dendritic cells network in the mouse spleen. Eur J Histochem. 2008 Apr-Jun;52(2):85-92.

C. Menten-Dedoyart, B. Couvreur, O. Thellin, P.V. Drion, M. Herry, O.
Jolois and E.Heinen. Influence of the Ixodes ricinus tick blood-feeding on the antigen-specific antibody response in vivo.
In press for publication in Vaccine2008

Book chapters:

1.Baeckeland, E., Heinen, E. and Renard, A M. Mobility of Con A receptors at the surface of palatal shelves before the closure of the secundary palate. In: Lectins Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, edited by Cruyter, Basel: Karger, 1982, p. 295 304.
2.Bassleer, R., Lhoest Gauthier, M P., Renard, A M., Heinen, E. and Goessens, G. Histological structure and functions of synovium. In: Proceedings of the international symposium on articular synovium, Basel: Karger, 1982, p. 1 26.
3.Heinen, E., Baeckeland, E. and Renard, A M. The role of the cell coat in palatal shelves adhesion. In: Lectins Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, edited by Cruyter, Berlin: W. de Cruyter and Co., 1982, p. 285 294.
4.Kinet Denoël, C., Heinen, E. and Simar, L.J. Isolation, characterization and possible functions of follicular dendritic cells from tonsils and adenoids. In: Cell sparation: methods and selected applications, edited by Pretlow T.and Pretlow T., New York: Academic Press, 1986, p. 239 257.
5.Heinen, E., Defresne, M P, Boniver, J. and Simar, L.J. Les organes du système immunitaire. In: Immunologie animale, edited by Pastoret, P.P., Silim, A., Govaerts, A. and Bazin, H. Paris: Flammarion, 1990, p. 51 80.
6.Heinen, E., Bosseloir, A., Cormann, N. and Kinet Denoël, C. Microenvironments during antigen stimulation. In: Molecular biology of B cells developements, edited by Sorg, C. Basel : Karger, 1990, p. 24 60.
7.Bosseloir, A., Hooghe Peters, E., Heinen, E., Cormann, N., Marcoty, C., Kinet Denoël, C. and Simar, L.J. IL6 and IL4: localization and production in human tonsils. In: Lymphatic tissues and in vivo immune responses, edited by Imhof, B.A., Berrih Aknin, S. and Ezine, S. New York: Dekker,M., 1991, p. 315 319.
8.Heinen, E., Cormann, N., Tsunoda, R., Kinet Denoël, C. and Simar, L.J. Ultrastructural and functional aspects of FDC in vitro. In: Accessory cells in HIV and other retroviral infections, edited by Racz, P., Dijkstra, C.D. and Gluckman, J.C. Basel: Karger, 1991, p. 1 8.
9.Heinen, E., Tsunoda, R., Marcoty, C., Bosseloir, A., Antoine, N., Kinet Denoël, C. and Simar, L.J. Intercellular communications in lymph follicles. In: Dendritic cells in lymphoid tissues, edited by Imai, Y., Tew, J.G. and Hoefsmit, E; Amsterdam: Elsevier , 1991, p. 119 123.
10.Heinen, E., Tsunoda, R., Bosseloir, A., Marcoty, C., Cormann, N., Kinet Denoël, C. and Simar, L.J. Are germinal centers insulating microenvironments. In: Lymphatic tissues and in vivo immune responses, edited by Imhof, B.A., Berrih Aknin, S. and Ezine, S. New York: Dekker,M., 1991, p. 365 368.
11.Marcoty, C., Heinen, E., Bosseloir, A., Cormann, N., Kinet Denoël, C. and Simar, L.J. Purification and cultivation of follicular dendritic cells. In: Lymphatic tissues and in vivo immune responses, edited by Imhof, B.A., Berrih Aknin, S. and Ezine, S. New York: Dekker M., 1991, p. 683 686.
12.Heinen E., Bosseloir A., Bouzahzah F. and Simar L.J. FDC : origin and function. In : Current topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 201, 15-47, 1995.
13.Bosseloir A., Bouzahzah F., Simar L.J. and Heinen E. B cells in contact with FDC. In: "Follicular dendritic cells in normal and pathological conditions (Ed. E. Heinen). Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 53-78, 1995.
14.Bouzahzah F., Suzuki S., Bosseloir A., Simar L.J. and Heinen E. T cells in contact with follicular dendritic cells. In: "Follicular dendritic cells in normal and pathological conditions (ed. E. Heinen). Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 79-89, 1995.
15.Mancini I., Kinet-Denoël C., Brait M., Heinen E. and Simar L.J. Radioresistance of follicular dendritic cells. In: "Follicular dendritic cells in normal and pathological conditions (ed. E. Heinen). Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 125-134, 1995.
16.Heinen E. and Defresne M.P. The mouse lymph organs. In: "Handbook of Vertebrate Immunology" (ed. P.P. Pastoret, P. Gribel and H. Govaerts) Academic Press, London, 1998, pp. 563-576.
17.Thielen C. and Heinen E. Germinal center. In : "Encyclopedia of Life Sciences" Nature, Scientific American, London, 2005, http : ??
18.Heinen E. Discrimination self/non-self. In "Encyclopedia of Life Sciences" Nature, Scientific American, London, 2005, http ://


- Immunodétection par PCR quantitative, 1999, WO 0131056
- Microextraction 2002 PCT/BE01/00179
- Nouveaux supports pour l'immunodétection de molecules d'intérêts WO 2006/105622
- Complementary peptides for beta-amyloid 29-42 peptide EP/08.10.04/EPA 04077735


1- Development of a highly sensitive immuno-detection method for prions proteins. 2000-2004.
2- Monitoring and elimination of the prions in the effluents and the environment of the slaughter-houses. 2003-2006.
3- Study of proteinopathies: from oxidative stress to therapeutics. 2004-2006.
4- Development of a "spin off, I-Detect" dedicated to proteinopathies. 2004-2006.
5- Neuroscreen: Developpement of differential markers of Alzheimer, Parkinson and prions diseases. STREP project. 2006-2009.

Patrick ACHARD

Departement of Cellular Biology, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes du CNRS (IBMP-CNRS), 12, rue de général Zimmer 67084 Strasbourg Cédex, France. Phone: 33 3 88 41 72 00, Fax: 33 3 88 61 44 42, email:

Lecture title: 'Plant DELLAs restrain growth and promote survival of adversity by reducing the levels of reactive oxygen species

Scientist, CNRS.

Education and professional experience

1993-1998 Under-graduate and graduate studies in biology; Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (Master DEA, Laboratoire Plastes et Différenciation Cellulaire, UMR5575, R. Mache)
1998-2001 Doctorat in Biology; Université Joseph Fourier, UMR5575 (R. Mache)
1/2002-12/2005 Post-doctorat at John Innes Centre, Norwich, Royaume-Uni (N. Harberd)
1/2006-9/2006 Post-doctorat at IBMP-CNRS (UPR2357), Strasbourg (P. Genschik)
10/2006 Scientist, CNRS recruitment

Publications for the last 5 years

Achard, P. and Genschik P. Releasing the brakes of plant growth: how GAs shutdown DELLA proteins. J. Exp. Bot. (in press).

Achard, P., Gong, F., Cheminant, S., Alioua, M., Hedden, P. and Genschik, P. (2008) The cold-inducible CBF1 factor-dependent signalling pathway modulates the accumulation of the DELLA proteins via its effect on gibberellin metabolism. Plant Cell 20, 2117-2129.

Navarro, L., Bari, R., Achard, P., Lison, P., Nemri, A., Harberd, N.P. and Jones, J.D. (2008) DELLAs control plant immune responses by modulating the balance of Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid signalling. Curr. Biol. 18, 650-655.

Achard, P., Renou, J.P., Berthomé, R., Harberd, N.P. and Genschik P. (2008) Plant DELLAs restrain growth and promote survival of adversity by reducing the levels of reactive oxygen species. Curr. Biol. 18, 656-660.

Achard, P., Liao, L., Jiang, C., Desnos, T., Bartlett, J., Fu, X. and Harberd, N.P. (2007) DELLAs contribute to plant photomorphogenesis. Plant Physiol. 143, 1163-1172.

Achard, P., Baghour, M., Chapple, A., Hedden, P., Van Der Straeten, D., Genschik, P., Moritz, T. and Harberd N.P. (2007) The plant stress hormone ethylene controls floral transition via DELLA-dependent regulation of floral meristem-identity genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104, 6484-6489.

Lechner, E., Achard, P., Vansiri, A., Potuschak, T. and Genschik, P. (2006) F-box proteins everywhere. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 9, 631-638.

Achard, P., Cheng, H., De Grauwe, L., Decat, J., Schoutteten, H., Moritz, T., Van Der Straeten, D., Peng, J. and Harberd, N.P. (2006) Integration of plant responses to environmentally activated phytohormonal signals. Science 311, 91-94.

Achard, P., Herr, A., Baulcombe, D.C. and Harberd, N.P. (2004) Modulation of floral development by a gibberellin-regulated microRNA. Development 131, 3357-65.

Vriezen, W.H., Achard, P., Harberd, N.P. and Van Der Straeten, D. (2004). Ethylene-mediated enhancement of apical hook formation in etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings is gibberellin dependent. Plant J. 37, 505-16.

Achard, P., Vriezen, W.H., Van Der Straeten, D. and Harberd, N.P. (2003). Ethylene regulates Arabidopsis development via modulation of DELLA protein growth repressor function. Plant Cell 15, 2816-2825.

Prof. Gil CONCHA

Professor of Microbiology, Universidad Complutense, Departamento de Microbiología Molecular, Plaza Ramón y Cajal s/n Madrid 28040, Spain. Telephone: + 34 91 3941748, Fax: + 34 91 3941745. E-mail:

Lecture title: 'Analysis of Candida albicans proteome upon host interaction'

Professor of Microbiology, Universidad Complutense, Departamento de Microbiología Molecular, Plaza Ramón y Cajal s/n Madrid 28040, Spain. Telephone: + 34 91 3941748, Fax: + 34 91 3941745

2008 Full Professor. Universidad Complutense, Madrid

1988- 1993 Member of the Editorial Board of Microbiology-SGM (Society for General Microbiology. UK)
2006- : Member of the Editorial Board of Proteomics and Practical Proteomics.
2007-: Member of the Editorial Board of Proteomics: Clinical Applications
2008-: Executive Editor of Journal of Proteomics (Proteomics in Microbiology)

Publications (selected, 5 last years)
D. 1. Selected papers on Large-scale identification of cell wall and membrane proteins in budding yeasts

Pardo, M., Ward M, Bains S, Molina M., Blackstock W, Gil C. and Nombela C. A proteomic approach for the study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall biogenesis. Electrophoresis 21, 3396-3410. 2000.

DeGroot P.W.J., Ruiz C, Vázquez C.R. de Aldana, Dueñas E, Cid V.J., del Rey F., Rodríguez-Peña J.M., Pérez P, Andel A., Caubin J, Arroyo J., García J.C., Gil C, Molina M., Durán A., Nombela C and Klis F.M. A genomic approach for the identification and classification of genes involved in cell wall formation and its regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
REVISTA: Comparative and Functional Genomics 2, 124-142. 2001.

Monteoliva, L., López Matas M., Gil C., Nombela C. and Pla J.Large scale identification of putative exported proteins in Candida albicans by genetic selection. Eukaryotic Cell 1, 514-525. 2002.

Pitarch, A., Sánchez M., Nombela C. and Gil C. Sequential fractionation and two-dimensional gel analysis unravel the complexity of the dimorphic fungus Candida albicans cell wall proteome.
REVISTA: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 1, 967-982. 2002.

Hernández, R., Nombela C., Díez- Orejas R. and Gil C. Two dimensional reference map of Candida albicans hyphal forms. Proteomics 4, 374-382. 2004

Insenser, M., Nombela C., Molero G. and Gil C..Proteomic analysis of detergent-resistant membranes from Candida albicans. Proteomics 6: S74-8. 2006

D. 2. Selected papers on functional analysis of cell wall proteins

Martínez-López, R., Monteoliva L., Díez-Orejas R., Nombela C. and Gil C. The GPI-anchored protein Ecm33p is required for cell wall integrity, morphogenesis and virulence of Candida albicans. Microbiology 150, 3341-3354. 2004.

Pardo, M., Monteoliva L., Vazquez P., Martínez R, Molero G., Nombela C. and Gil C.
Pst1 and Ecm33 encode two yeast cell surface GPI proteins important for cell wall integrity. Microbiology 150, 4157-4170. 2004.

Martínez-López, R., Park H., Myers C.L., Gil C. and Filler S.G. Candida albicans Ecm33p is important for normal cell wall architecture and interaction with host cells. Eukaryotic Cell. 5 (1), 140-147. 2006.

D.3 Selected papers on 'Non-classical' secretion pathway in budding yeast

Pitarch, A., Díez-Orejas R, Molero G, Pardo M., Sánchez M, Gil C and Nombela C. Analysis of the serologic response to systemic Candida albicans infection in a murine model. Proteomics 1, 550-559 2001.
Fernández-Arenas, E., Molero G., Nombela C., Díez-Orejas R. and Gil C. Contribution of the antibodies generated by a low virulent Candida albicans strain in protection against systemic candidiasis. Proteomics 4, 1204-1215. 2004.

Fernández-Arenas, E., Molero G., Nombela C., Díez-Orejas R. and Gil C. Low virulent strains of Candida albicans: unravelling the antigens for a future vaccine. Proteomics 4, 3007-3020. 2004.

Pitarch, A., Abián J., Carrascal M., Sánchez M., Nombela C. and Gil C. Proteomics-based identification of novel Candida albicans antigens for diagnosis and monitoring of systemic candidiasis in patients with underlying haematological malignancies. Proteomics 4, 3084-3106. 2004.

Pitarch, A., Jimenez A., Nombela C., Gil C. Decoding serological response to Candida cell wall immunome into novel diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic candidates for systemic candidiasis by proteomic and bioinformatic analyses. Mol Cell Proteomics 5 (1), 79-96. 2006

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. Reliability of antibodies to Candida methionine synthase for diagnosis, prognosis and risk stratification in systemic candidiasis: a generic strategy for the prototype development phase of proteomic markers. Proteomics Clinical Applications 1, 1221-1242. 2007.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. Serological proteome analysis to identify systemic candidiasis patients in the intensive care unit: Analytical, diagnostic and prognostic validation of anti-Candida enolase antibodies on quantitative clinical platforms
Proteomics Clinical Applications. In press.

Martinez-Lopez,R.; Nombela,C; Diez-Orejas,R.;. Monteoliva,L.; Gil,C. Immunoproteomic analysis of the protective response obtained with Candida albicans ecm33 cell wall mutant in mice. Accepted in Proteomics .

D5. Selected papers on Proteomics of the C. albicans-macrophage interactions

Martínez-Solano, L., Nombela C., Molero G. and Gil C. Differential protein expresión of murine macrophages upon interaction with Candida albicans. Proteomics 6: S133-144. 2006.

Fernández-Arenas, E., Cabezón V., Bermejo C., Arroyo J., Nombela C., Diez-Orejas, R. and Gil C. Integrated genomic and proteomic strategies bring new insight into Candida albicans reponse upon macrophage interaction. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 6(3), 460-478. 2007

D6. Selected papers on C. albicans genetics

Pomés R., Gil C. and Nombela C.Genetic analysis of Candida albicans morphological mutants.. Journal of General Microbiology 131, 2107-2113. 1985.

Nombela C., Pomés R. and Gil C. Protoplast fusion hybrids from Candida albicans morphological mutants. Critical Reviews of Microbiology 15, 79-85. 1987

Gil C., Pomés R. and Nombela, C. A complementation analysis by parasexual recombination of Candida albicans morphological mutants. Journal of General Microbiology 134, 1587-1595.1988

Gil C., R. Pomés and Nombela C. Isolation and characterization of Candida albicans morphological mutants repressed for the formation of filamentous hyphal-type structures.
Journal of Bacteriology 172, 2384-2391. 1990.

Pla J., Gil C, Monteoliva L., Navarro-García F., Sánchez M. and Nombela C.
Understanding Candida albicans at the molecular level.
Yeast 12, 1677-1702. 1996.

Negredo, A., Monteoliva L., Gil C., Pla J. and Nombela C. Cloning, analysis and one-step disruption of the ARG5,6 gene of Candida albicans. Microbiology 143, 297-302. 1997

E. Book Chapters

Pitarch, A., Pardo M., Monteoliva L., Molero G., Díez-Orejas R., Nombela C. and Gil C. Diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención en infecciones producidas por hongos. Estudio proteómico Proteómica, herramientas de la era post-genómica en la vida cotidiana". Residencia de Investigadores, CSIC, Barcelona. Joaquín Abián y Susana Baqué (Eds). 2003.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. Candida albicans biology and pathogenicity: insights from proteomics. "Microbial proteomics: Functional biology of whole organisms". Humphery-Smith, I and Hecker, M. (Eds). Wiley CH, 2006.PubMed: Methods Biochem Anal. 2006; 49: 285-330.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C.and Gil C. Contribution of proteomics to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of candidiasis. "Microbial proteomics: Functional biology of whole organisms". Humphery-Smith, I and Hecker, M. (Eds). Wiley CH. 2006. PubMed: Methods Biochem Anal. 2006; 49: 331-61. Review.

López-Ribot, JL., Díez-Orejas R., and Gil C. Antibodies Immunity against Fungal Pathogens. Brown and Netea (Eds.) Springer Verlag. 2006.

Pitarch, A., Molero G., Monteoliva L., Thomas D. P., López-Ribot J. L., Nombela C. and Gil C.
Proteomics in Candida species. "Candida: comparative and functional genomics". d' Enfert, C. and Hube, B (Eds). Horizon Scientific Press. 2007.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C.: Cell Wall Fractionation for Yeast and Fungal Proteomics. Methods in Molecular Biology. A. Posh (Ed), pp235-256.Humana Press Inc. In press, 2008.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. Collection of Proteins Secreted from Yeast Protoplasts in Active Cell Wall Regeneration. Methods in Molecular Biology. A. Posh (Ed).Humana Press Inc. In press, 2008.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. Proteomic Profiling of Serological Response to Candida albicans during Host-Commensal and Host-Pathogen Interactions. Humana Press Inc. Host-Pathogen Interactions. S. Rupp (Ed). The Humana Press Inc. New Jersey, USA. In press.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. Identification of the Candida albicans Immunome Expressed during Systemic Infection by Mass Spectrometry. Humana Press Inc. Host-Pathogen Interactions. S. Rupp (Ed). The Humana Press Inc. New Jersey, USA. In press.

Pitarch, A., Nombela C. and Gil C. The Candida Immunome as a Mine for Clinical Biomarker Development for Systemic Candidiasis: From Biomarker Discovery to Assay Validation. Pathogenic Fungi: Insights in Molecular Biology. Gioconda San-Blas and Richard Calderone (Eds), Caister Academic Press, UK. In press.

H. Education Reports

James P., Corthals G., Gil C. Report. Proteomics Education, an Important Challenge for the Scientific Community: Report on the Activities of the EuPA Education Committee. REVISTA: Proteomics. 9; 6(S2):77-81. 2006.

Albar, J.P., Corthals, G.L., Gil C., James, P., Jensesn,O.N., Palagi, P.M. and Penque, D. Promoting Proteomics Knowledge in Europe. Report on the activities of the EuPA Education Committeee 2006-2007. Proteomics 24;7 (S1):90-94. 2007.

F. Training of Graduate and Ph D students

Supervisor of 4 Master of Sciences degrees.

Supervisor of 9 Ph D Thesis.

Coordinator of the Doctorate Programme "Microbiology and Parasitology" from 2002.

2005 and 2007 Director of the Proteomics Summer School ("Curso de Proteómica", Escuela de Salud y Biomedicina de La Escuela Complutense de verano).

Dr. Thierry TALOU

Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle ENSIACET
118 route de Narbonne3 1077 Toulouse Cédex 4 FRANCE
Tel: 05 62 88 57 29 Fax: 05 62 88 57 28 e-mail:

Lecture title: ' Fractionnement des agroressources : bioproduits et agromatériaux'


* Diplôme d'Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches de l' INP Toulouse
Soutenu le 5 Janvier 2006
* Doctorat de l'INP Toulouse
Spécialité: Traitement des Matières Premières Végétales
Soutenue le 30 Novembre 1992 (Très Honorable)
"Caractérisation de l'arôme de la truffe noire (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.).
Etude de l'influence de ses composants sur le comportement des animaux truffiers."
* Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies "Traitements des Matières Premières Végétales" - INP Toulouse (mention T.B.) obtenue en Juin 1984
* Maitrise de Chimie - Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse (mention B) obtenue en Juin

- Octobre 1984- Septembre 1987:
Allocataire de Recherche du MRT. Prolongement à titre exceptionnel à 3 ans
- Octobre 1987- Septembre 1990 Ingénieur de Recherche au Laboratoire de Chimie des Agroressources (Salarié de l'Association MIDIVAL)
- Octobre 1990- Novembre 1992 Ingénieur de Recherche au Laboratoire de Chimie des Agroressources (Salarié de la société MIDIVALEUR SA)
- Décembre 1992 - Aout 1994: Ingénieur de Recherche au Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle (salarié contractuel de l'Education Nationale)
- Septembre 1994 - à ce jour: Ingénieur de Recherche au laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle (IGR 2ème classe)

" publications scientifiques (revues et livres avec comité de lecture): 45
" conférence plénière dans un congrès : 1
" communications orales dans des congrès et symposiums: 52
" communications par affiches dans des congrès et symposiums: 119
" brevets d'invention: 9 dont 4 brevets prioritaires
" thèses co-encadrées: 17 (dont 2 en cours)

* Président fondateur de l'association CIRANO (Comité international sur les nez électroniques)
* Responsable scientifique du Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique sur la truffe (GIS TRUFFE)
* Créateur du Pôle Senteurs&Couleurs du Grand Sud
* Liaison Officer pour la région Midi-Pyrénées du réseau UE-Australie "FEAST"
* Responsable scientifique et technique de plus de 115 contrats de recherche et R&D
* Membre de 2 réseaux d'excellence européen (NOSE, EUNITE) et d'1 REX (GOSPEL)
* Membre de 3 R3T: "Eau et environnement", "Matériaux et Procédés", "Agroressources"

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